Back Room 109
7-30. June 2024
exhibition by Gabri Molist

7/06 Vernissage – 18:00-22:00
8-9/06 – 13:00-18:00
15-16/06 – 13:00-18:00
22-23/06 – 13:00-18:00
29/06 – 13:00-18:00
30/06 Finissage – 13:00-22:00

In Back Room 109 Molist transforms the gallery space into a hangar. The hangar  presents two billboards facing each other. The images on the panels show us two landscapes: a road and a rocky hallway. The straight lines of the highway contrast with the irregular and heavy presence of the architectural elements of the interior space, which hosts a shy speech balloon, hiding partially its body behind a corner. This speech bubble, emancipated from the human that emits it, seems to roam freely. It is voice without body: it is all that remains of the character. Perhaps the speech balloon is waiting to find a new host. Or on the contrary: It has definitively anticipated everything that can provoke sound. After all, it is an empty vessel, which says nothing.

What are these billboards doing there, where did they come from, who brought them there, and how did they get there? Their distribution in the space may make the visitor think that he is not in a gallery, but in a warehouse. A warehouse of what? Of posters? Of artworks?

Many of these questions are explored in a publication that will accompany the installation. The pages of the publication will be also shown in the walls of VROOM, in dialogue with the billboards. Page after page, Molist narrates the origin and possible meanings of the images and supports that make up the exhibition. In the same way, the publication invites the viewer/reader to walk through the exhibition space, to look and reflect. In short: to activate the space and make it their own.

Back Room 109 continues with the artistic and aesthetic investigation of the themes that have kept Gabri Molist busy for the last five years: the iconicity of the language of comics, the tension between word and image and the role of the reader/spectator.

Gabri Molist (Barcelona, 1993) is a comic artist. After his studies on Arts and Design at Escola Massana in Barcelona, he completed a Master in Fine Arts at LUCA School of Arts Gent. Nowadays his academic journey continues with a PhD in Fine Arts, with a project entitled Lost in Hotel Penumbra. This research project counts with Dr. Isolde Vanhee and Francesc Ruiz as promotors.

Selected publications: Asonancia (Apa-Apa Cómics, 2018), I Laugh To See Myself So Beautiful In This Mirror (Ruja Press, 2020), Dormir es Morir (Bang Ediciones, 2020), La punta de la lengua (Apa-Apa Cómics, 2021), A Form of Drawing (Fatbottom, 2023).

Selected exhibitions: Playing is Careless (Kribbestraat 3, 2022), Walking is a Form of Drawing (ComicsFestival Hamburg, 2022), Talking is a Form of Drawing (Grafixx Festival, Antwerp, 2022), Dormir es morir (Fumetto Festival, Luzern, 2024).