dot dot dot
13/09 17:00 VERNISSAGE
group exhibition

“dot dot dot” is a group exhibition of artworks with black dots. As the roundest storytellers of them all, black dots are the main protagonists of dot dot dot. We follow their adventurous journey through various mediums from drawing to book to sculpture to moving image by a group of artists who cross their t’s and dot their i’s: Daria Chernyshova, Emese Veszely, Freddy K, Kai Udema, Laetitia Gendre, Lena Weber, Marc Nagtzaam, Mario De Brabandere, and Sophie Artz.

Join the dots during weekly side events and performances surrounding the character of the back dot:

14/09 / A workshop by Enid Stassyns and Emese Veszely
21/09 / 17H / A book launch by Marc Nagtzaam and Laetitia Gendre
29/09 / A musical performance by Brussels Cleaning Masters
05/10 / During opening hours / An open tattoo salon by Maya Strobbe

Opening times:
13/09 17:00 Vernissage
14-15/09 13:00-18:00
21-22/09 13:00-18:00
28-29/09 13:00-18:00
05-06/10 13:00-18:0