Curtain Cabaret
group expo

Curtain cabaret was an experimental exhibition concept where 23 works by 23 artists were shown sequentially. Accompanied by tension-building live drum rolls, two gigantic green theatre curtains opened and closed, each time unveiling a new work. Each work was on view for only 4,5 minutes before the curtains closed again for the next work to be installed. The exhibition-happening lasted for 2,5 hours and had a timeline instead of a floor plan.
With Pom Koo, Chloé Glen, Gabri Molist, Nora Trebaul, Lukas Deryck, Clara Verbeke, Maïly Beyrens, Maya Strobbe, Robin Hendrix, Indré Svirplyte, Sophie Nicklas, Agustin David, Thomas Boussu, Jade Kerremans, Nora De Decker, Maikel De Greve, Sam Timmerman, Jan Vandeplancke, Sofie Vandevoorde, Natasja Mabesoone, Zena Van Den Block, Lieselotte Vloeberghs and Liesbeth Van Heuverswijn.
Exhibition concept and scenography by Maya Strobbe.
Live drumroll by Aaron Daem.

Pictures by Ernest Thiesmeier.